Artist Successful At Defeating Harley-Davidson’s Attempt to Dismiss IP Case

(Thursday, August 2, 2012 – Milwaukee, WI) As reported in IPLAW360 and, represented by Garteiser Honea, free-lance artist Wayne Peterson successfully defeated a motion to dismiss filed in a copyright infringement lawsuit against motorcycle giant Harley-Davidson Motor Company, who was represented by Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP and Bryan Cave LLP.   See Peterson v. Harley-Davidson Inc., et al, Case No. 2:12-cv-00381, Dkt 16 (E.D. WI July 31, 2012).  In this case, Peterson seeks damages for two of his copyrights that Harley-Davidson infringed by using them beyond Peterson’s authorized permission.
