(Wednesday, January 11, 2012 – Marin County, CA) Plaintiff was moving for Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to obtain an injunction against a software developer wrongly accused of stealing trade secrets. The sophisticated programmer took no chances and hired Garteiser Honea to defend him at the TRO hearing. Garteiser Honea swung into action and defeated the TRO with just five (5) days to prepare. “Our practice is identical to what we were doing at much larger litigation firms,” said Partner Randall Garteiser. “Except now, we are able to respond to our client’s faster and able to charge them less due to our flat firm profile,” he added.
Carson v. Raff (trade secrets), Case No. CIV1106045, Superior Court of California, Marin County, January 11, 2012.